Uyen Ha - My Psychological Self-care Journey

Psychological self-care is something that I have been prioritising over the last few years, when I realised that a lot of my down time was spent watching streaming services or scrolling social media which were not beneficial to me at all.
With my training as a professional athlete, my down time needed to consist of something relaxing, calming, and quiet. So instead, I started reading books, listening to podcasts, and practicing meditation and mindfulness. My down time could still be calming and quiet as I wanted, but it did not have to be wasted time. Sitting down on the couch or bed with a hot cup of tea and a book (predominantly non-fiction) helped me develop and mature as a person and taught me a lot, especially as I enjoy reading about an abundance of topics.
When I am in fight camp, I read sports psychology books to prepare my mental game. Breathing exercises, visualisation and mindfulness are also practices that I prioritise, which are very helpful to me mentally, as a person, and as an athlete. While I do enjoy scrolling on social media (with awareness of what I am doing instead of going down a rabbit hole) and sitting down in front of the tv, I’m so glad I made the change to prioritising reading books and spending my down time learning, rewiring bad habits, and evolving as a person.