Self Care Diaries • Samantha Collas

Self Care Diaries • Samantha Collas

A brief overview of yourself, what do you do for work, leisure and your self care journey.

I'm a yoga and aerial yoga teacher along with a copywriter which I do freelance for myself. I also am a VA for 3 x yoga studios and help them with their studio management, social medias, website and events. For leisure I train in aerial hammock and hoop and just love to spend my weekends with my family going slow, reading books.

What self care rituals do you resonate with the most?

Yoga, reading, meditation. 

Speaking of your experience, why do you think Aromatherapy plays a role in good self-care habits?

I fully believe that aromatherapy can be associated with memory and relaxation and can ignite internal things. 

How do Auric Alchemy products help you create an ideal environment for self-care rituals?

I fully believe that scents can transform your space & mood. The right calming scents can help calm the nervous system and trigger your mind/body that it's time to relax. That's why I love the Auric Alchemy mists. I use the Clarity Mist when I arrive home from a busy day and when I'm about to jump into bed at night to help me unwind and relax.

List your top three "self - care must haves"

Journal, baths, quiet

See instagram post here