Self Care Diaries • Tracey Murrey

A brief overview of yourself, what do you do for work, leisure and your self care journey.
My name is Tracey and I am a Mumma of 3. I am a baby and toddler sleep consultant specialising in supporting families holistically using gentle and responsive approaches to sleep. I have recently found a passion for running and am currently training to be able to do longer runs. I started out only being able to run 2KM, so I am very proud of my progress so far (I’ve just hit 10KM!). I also love hiking in nature, yoga and going in our sauna.
What self care rituals do you resonate with the most?
Being a Mumma of 3 means I don’t have a lot of “me time” so I have to be quite savvy when it comes to self care. I love doing a face mask, body scrub whilst in the shower or soaking in a hot bath whilst reading a book.
Speaking of your experience, why do you think Aromatherapy plays a role in good self-care habits?
Aromatherapy plays a big role in my self care. I have a large collection of essential oils and I choose them based on how I am feeling or how I want to feel.
How do Auric Alchemy products help you create an ideal environment for self-care rituals?
I use aromatherapy on myself throughout the day too - not just when I am practicing self care. The bonus is I can use them on and around my children too to support their emotional needs and health.
List your top three "self - care must haves"
- Bentonite Clay Face Mask
- Essential Oils (They are so versatile. You can diffuse them, create roller blend/ sprays, bath in them, create your own serums and hair oils.)
- Magnesium Salts for the bath
See Instagram post
Tracey's Instagram Account here.