Self Care Diaries • Ellie Wilkie

Self Care Diaries • Ellie Wilkie

A brief overview of yourself, what do you do for work, leisure and your self care journey.

My name is Ella, I’m 24 years old. I work casually as a beauty therapist as I have a 10 month old baby boy at home that I spend all my time with.

My spare time is limited at the moment as my son is keeping me on my toes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Being pregnant and having my son sent me on a journey looking into all the toxic things around us and in our home so I worked really hard to try clean our home of chemicals and things that do not belong. My self care is very limited as is my alone time, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. I focus on my skincare and body care in my shower daily followed by oils and sprays to keep me refreshed.


What self care rituals do you resonate with the most?

The biggest self care ritual I have is a tidy home, might not be much but it makes a difference for me. Giving the house a clean and putting on some oils in the diffuser to finish it off makes me feel complete.


Speaking of your experience, why do you think aromatherapy plays a role in good self-care habits?

Aromatherapy plays a massive role as I know any time I’m treating myself post clean, to smell good or to lather myself in some goodness after a shower, I know that it’s all guilt free and safe for me. I’m not jeopardising my hormones or health just to “feel good.”


How do Auric Alchemy products help you create an ideal environment for self-care rituals?

Auric Alchemy’s products absolutely help! They’ve got such a good range of things from home to beauty and body. Every area of our home you have covered.


List your top three "self - care must haves"

  • Oil Diffuser
  • Body Oil/ Moisturizer (post-shower)
  • A habit that’s all yours; a walk, a bath, a reading session. Something you dedicate time to that no one can interrupt.


See Instagram post here.